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Lasting 2 years, the SMAPI project represents a budget of €999,000 to develop new optimization tools for the development of efficient and intelligent processes. Digital technologies and artificial intelligence will be particularly highlighted in this search for optimization during the design stages to develop a new offer dedicated to the chemical industries.

The objectives of this project are to provide an original digital solution, integrating the collection and management of complex data (sensors, chromatographs, spectrometers), new algorithms for optimizing the design of experience, and the development of automata for feedback on the conduct of pilot tests.

SMAPI is positioned in two key stages of the process: in the laboratory after the ideation phase and in piloting before the transition to industrial scale. By optimizing yields, increasing the quality of the finished product and reducing waste and the consumption of raw materials, the project will have a real ecological and economic impact. Through its automated and self-optimized experience plan, it brings together different methodologies in order to combine speed and flexibility, and thus provide significant added value to large chemical groups.