For the synthesis and transformation of polymer materials, Axel’One has built its test lines in partnership with the IMP and C2PM laboratories, the 3D.FAB platform as well as with industrial key players such as Solvay and Elkem. These test lines include the synthesis, implementation and shaping of polymers and thermoplastic materials and the coating of products on flexible film and textiles. Axel’One also offers a complete range of tools and services for the mechanical and physico-chemical characterization of materials as well as the modeling of materials.
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Advanced materials

Polymer materials:
- Synthesis by polycondensation
- Reactive extrusion synthesis
- Extrusion implementation
- Injection molding, compression
- Coating on soft supports
- 3D printing for polymer materials

Inorganic materials:
- Synthesis line for mineral chemistry
- 3D printing for ceramic materials
- Detection of Nano traces

Surface & interface:
- Multi-functional gel-floor coatings
- Thin layer shaping
- Coatings by spray and dip coating

Characterization of Materials:
- Mechanical characterization
- Composition analysis and chemical structure
- Physico-Chemical characterization

Material Modeling:
- Behavioral Simulation