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The Axel’One collaborative innovation platform is the winner of a new regionalized PIA sector project: the PRISMA project (Intelligent Processes: Simulation, monitoring, Online Analysis). This project aims to support SMEs in the chemistry, materials and environment sectors in the deployment of real-time analysis solutions.

More than 2.7 million euros are invested to strengthen Axel’One Analysis’s fleet of online analysis tools and new instrumented drivers. This investment makes it possible to continue the construction in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of a center of excellence in online analysis capable of supporting companies in setting up monitoring in
real-time processes and intelligent equipment, an essential building block for quickly responding to climate and economic challenges.

The objective of the PRISMA project is to provide the region with a center of excellence in online analysis acting at two levels:

By offering innovative and mobile tools, which can be transported directly to SMEs and manufacturers to meet the needs of the environmental chemistry sector
By implementing instrumented pilots representative of industrial conditions (shared pilots and prototyping tools).

To respond to the PRISMA project and create a unique service offering in Europe, Axel’One will develop 300m2 of new premises as well as the creation of demonstrative places for intelligent processes outside the wall is from 2022. Axel’One will play a key role in technological animation of the sector, as an interface with companies by offering R&D services or by intervening directly in collaborative projects.



Communiqué de presse