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Axel’One Printing is a consortium of industrial and academic key players around 3D printing activities in the field of polymeric materials. Axel’One Printing supports industrialists in the development of new organic materials with 3D printing technologies. Industrialists have access to studies with 3D printing (screening, proof of concept) of raw or formulated polymeric materials, responding to their requests. Axel’One Printing provides pooled tools and skills to test a wide variety of materials under roll-out conditions adapted to their characteristics and applications. The aim is also to encourage the emergence of collaborative projects. The consortium was developed in open partnership with 3d.FAB, a platform used in many health application domains, with its wide range of technologies available to the Axel’One Printing consortium. The initiative enables industrial projects to take steps between initial research and industrialization (TRL 4 to 7). Axel’One Printing completes its offer through partner companies in the fields of formulation, characterization and modeling of polymer materials.