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3d.FAB for “3D Fabric of Advanced Biology” is an innovative technology platform (PTI) for research and production in 3D printing for companies and academic labs. The 3d.FAB platform is from the Institute of Molecular Chemistry and Biochemistry and Supramolecular (ICBMS, under the supervision of the Université Lyon 1) of the ENS Chemistry laboratory and the Mateis laboratory (under the supervision of INSA). Founded in 2015, 3d.FAB develops 3D printing projects mainly in the field of health: polymers and living tissues.
Thematic projects carried out within Axel’One:
- Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering: bio-printing assisted surgery, development of tissue-engineered implants and 3D printing as part of a preclinical study to repair cartilage loss of the nose, 3D printing of hemostatic formulation.
- Printing for diagnosis: rapid diagnosis of pathogens.
- Prosthetics and Ceramics: 3D printing for orthopedics and orthodontics, printing of arterial prostheses.
- Technological innovations in the field of 3D printing: 3D manufacturing for health, 3D printing of catalysts.