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The laboratory of Automatic, Process Engineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering (LAGEPP) is under the supervision of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and the CNRS. The LAGEPP’s lines of research focus on three main areas: Physico-Chemistry, pharmaceutical engineering and automatic and process engineering. The work ranges from fundamental research in understanding and modeling phenomena to product development in various fields such as pharmacy, cosmetics, food and energy.

On the Axel’One Campus, the laboratory develops formulations of transport systems and vectorization (or encapsulation) of active materials, with applications in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields. These systems facilitate the control and distribution of an active substance to its target. The implementation of this activity on the platform Axel’One Campus will enable the LAGEPP to continue the development of its research in this challenging field and work on technology transfer with industrialists, the objective being the transfer to a higher TRL (technology readiness level) and then, to transfer to Axel’One PPI or Axel’One PMI sites.