Axel’One is a partner in a new European H2020 project in the field of catalysis

The project named “C123 project” has been selected by the European funding program “Horizon 2020” (H2020) in the NMBP (Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing) work program on a specific call for projects on “Catalytic hydrocarbon transformation”. Europe’s objectives in this call are to reduce its dependence on existing fuel resources, improve industrial competitiveness through new and more energy-efficient processes, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce investment costs.
The C123 project’s main goal is to develop new industrial processes for a better access to propylene in terms of energy and environmental efficiency. In particular, it will focus on the development of new catalytic materials for oxidative methane conversion (OCM) and hydroformylation of ethylene as alternatives to conventional petrochemical processes. It will also include the use of biosourced raw materials.
Propylene is the base material of polypropylene (PP), a widely used polymer, manufactured on large scales and used in sectors as diverse as automotive parts, food packaging and industrial textiles.
With a duration of 4 years, the C123 project benefits from the European funding starting from January 2019. The project brings together 12 partners including the CNRS (through the IRCELYON laboratory) and the Axel’One platform. The project leader is SINTEF, an independent scientific research organization in Norway.
Axel’One’s contribution is in the scale-up stages of catalyst manufacturing. The platform will bring its experience and expertise already used in other European projects.