Funding of a project about crystallization leaded by INEVO Technologies

INEVO Technologies, which is hosted on the Axel’One Innovative Processes (PPI) Platform in Solaize, is the leader of a collaborative R&D project that has just been selected in the 25th call for FUI projects (Fonds Unique Interministériel). This project of 3.5 years on crystallization brings together 5 partners and industrial end-users for a budget of 2.1 million euros including 1.2 million euros of public aid.
Named Smart Solid, the project aims at revolutionizing the operation and maintenance of batch or continuous industrial crystallizers thanks to digitalization and the significant advances made in recent years in the development of new industrial measurement technologies.
Crystallization is the unitary operation of chemical engineering consisting in isolating a product in the form of crystals. This operation is highly complex and is a vital economic importance. 25 to 30% of chemical sales are made with products obtained in processes involving at least one crystallization or precipitation stage. This percentage reaches 75 to 80% for active ingredients of manufacturing processes in the pharmaceutical or agrochemical industries. Nevertheless, today crystallization operations are often controlled in a rudimentary way and regularly have dysfunctional problems (clogging, mechanical equipment problems, sensors measurement errors…).
The Smart Solid project is labelled by the AXELERA cluster and co-labelled by the MINALOGIC cluster. The project partners are INEVO Technologies (project leader), OPTIMISTIK and ACOEM companies and the LAGEP and SPIN academic laboratories. As part of this project, equipment such as a crystallizer will be invested in, on the Axel’One PPI site. Also, the Axel’One industrial analysis platform will provide technical support and expertise to academic laboratories with online analysis, sampling and data processing.
Know more about the project leader: INEVO Technologies